Monday, July 21, 2008

A few weeks ago, all the Dosdalls got together at Bear Lake, Utah. It was great to see everyone, although the trip was rather stressful on us with two little kids. Both kids ended up with colds (that lasted almost 2 weeks) and stomach viruses (lasting about 10 days.) Jackson nearly fell down a flight of stairs before my bro-in-law, Chris, caught him. We avoided that disaster, but Jackson was smacked down by a 3-year-old girl on his first birthday resulting in a loud crash of his head to pavement (which I thought resulted in a concussion- but it turned out was just the vomiting start of the stomach virus!)
We did love seeing the family, but voted for the next reunion to be in about 5 years (when our youngest will be 41/2!)The photo on the left is my parents, siblings and their spouses in white; all my nieces and nephews in red and blue.

At left is my parents with their 34(I think?) grandkids.

The photo on the left is my parents, me and my twelve siblings. (Just for fun- row 1 is Steven, Derek, John, David, Mike; row 2 is Ann, Cynthia, Dad, Mom, Teresa, Jana; row 3 is Sharon, the gorgeous Jess, Jeannie, and Kristen---- how many can you name???)

This ultrasound is from 7/14/08 (I was 12 weeks pregnant.) The baby looks nice and healthy and was quite hyper at the sonogram. The technician asked me what I ate for breakfast because she wouldn't stop moving. I bashfully answered, "Cinnamon rolls??" Woops, didn't mean to cause such a commotion in utero! You like the "she"? She looks like a girl, right? Let me dream, ok?


Jana & Jim said...

you are right...she does look like a GIRL :) also when are you exactly in MI?

Jana & Jim said...

yet, i thought it's Jana the